Help / Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
In the guestbook people keep asking me the same questions. Therefore I compiled this list of the most frequently asked questions.
Click on a question to see the corresponding answer.
So please check this list here before contacting me. Thanks!
Who is Abbie Starwatcher ?
I'm a normal SSO player as everyone else and I have no business or personal relationship with SSO. So this is a strictly private website that I created because I liked to play SSO and that I maintain as a hobby. -
On which server do you play ? Since when ? In which club are you ?
I'm playing SSO since february 2013 on the second German server, also known as "Autumn Star". I'm member of the club "Silversong Eagles". -
May I become your friend in SSO ?
I'm sorry but my friend list is already full. And on principle I only accept friendship request after having had a real contact in the game. -
How did you create this website ?
Most data and pictures are taken from Renee Goldpaw's website "The Help Page for Starstable".
Following tools were used for the implementation of this database:- JavaScript library "jQuery" (v3.3.1)
- jQuery Plugin "Datatables" (v1.10.18)
- Template Engine "Smarty" (v3.1.32)
- OpenSource Guestbook "MGB" (v0.7)
- ... and a bunch of PHP scripts to automate the updates.
How regularly do you update your database ?
Normally this is done within 2-3 days, i.e. after the Wednesday update the new items/horses appear in the database no later than Saturday. -
Why does my browser tell me that this site is not secure ?
This is simply because you access my website by http, that is to say that the communication between your browser and my website is not encrypted. But this is not really relevant when browsing a site such as my database.
Unfortunately, my free website hosting service does not offer the feature of using Let's Encrypt in order to use https. -
Where can I find a list of names for me and my horses ?
The easiest way to get this information:- visit the offical Starstable site and click on "PLAY NOW" (or simply click here)
- on the right, inside the window called "Create your Star Stable account" you will find a section titled "Select your horse's name"
- There you will see all horse names available at the moment
There's a table with a missing item/entry
Something else is missing (not mentioned yet)
The table is empty, no data is loaded, or the page is displaying wrong
First of all try to force reloading of the page, usually using the shortcut Ctrl-F5 (or Ctrl-Shift-R). If this doesn't help I recommend to delete the browser cache/history (shortcut Ctrl-Shift-Del) and then to try reloading the page again.
Finally, if the problem persists, please contact me by E-Mail or via Facebook and please provide some information about the browser (Firefox, Chrome, ...) and the operating system (Windows 10, Mac OS X, ...) you're using. -
The security code (CAPTCHA) prevents me from making a guestbook entry
to get a new picture (maybe easier to read). You may repeat this until you are able to read the letters/numbers on the picture. Be sure to enter letters in upper case only.
If the problem persists nonetheless, pleae contact me by E-Mail or via Facebook.
Something else does not work or is displayed incorrectly
An entry/item in a table contains incorrect information
Of course, there may be mistakes in texts/entries. Moreover, there are quite a lot errors in the game itself! For the database, I always use the original texts.
Nevertheless, if you find an error, please send me a note by E-Mail or via Facebook and tell me as precisely as possible what item you are talking about and which information exactly is wrong. -
How can I filter a table ?
- The selection lists let you filter the table by site, shop name and/or item type (z.B. "legware"), after this only items corresponding to these filter settings will be displayed.
- After selection of a color box only items having this selected color will be displayed. If you selected multiple colors, they will be combined by "OR" (non-exclusive), e.g. all displayed items will have at least one of the selected colors (e.g. blue or green). But if you switch to "AND", displayed items must have all of the selected colors (e.g. blue and green).
- Any text entered in the text search field will be searched in all columns of the items, thus only items containing the search text will be displayed (e.g. because of a matching title or description).
How can I sort a table ?
on the right of their column titles. By clicking on these arrows you will activate sorting, first in descending order
(alphabetically Z→A or with decreasing value), after a next click in ascending order
(alphabetically A→Z or with increasing value).
Note: you can sort multiple columns at the same time by holding the Ctrl key pressed while clicking on the column title. -
There's something else I don't understand (not mentioned yet)